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Role of the Superintendent of Schools

  • By constitutional amendment, all Georgia superintendents are appointed by the local school board
  • Chief administrative officer of the school system – works with the local board in a team effort to lead the school system; operates the school system in a fiscally sound manner and supports board decisions
  • Ex-officio secretary and treasurer of the board (responsible for meeting agendas and minutes; compiles information, documents and all other information to present to the Board for consideration; and is responsible for the receipt/disbursement of school funds)
  • Legally bound to comply with and carry out all rules, regulations and instructions of the school board, including the implementation of school board policies
  • Makes employment and assignment recommendations for all school personnel to the board and evaluates the staff and programs on a regular basis
  • Legally designated contact with the State Superintendent of Schools; reports to the Georgia Department of Education on the use of the state’s money and compliance with the state laws and regulations
  • Communicates the needs of the school system to the public in an accurate and timely manner Works to improve the instructional program and staff relations
  • Advises the board of changes, innovations and trends in education that might affect the school system