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Health Services

Oconee County Schools Health Services

Here are a few guidelines that parents need to be aware of:

  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast every morning. Our brains need “fuel” to run properly.
  • If your child has a temperature greater than 100.3 degrees, please keep them home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication.
  • If a child becomes ill at school (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), I will call you to arrange for pick-up. Please keep them at home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.
  • If you have found and or treated for lice in your child's hair, please notify your school nurse. We want to discreetly, but aggressively, protect children and classrooms from repeated occurrences by doing rechecks or classroom checks where needed.
  • Elementary students may not carry medication to school.  Parents must drop it off in the school clinic with proper documentation for administration.
  • Medication administration in school should be discouraged unless medically necessary for the student's health, safety, and optimal learning. Whenever possible, medications should be given at home, before or after school.
  • If your child must have medication of any type during school hours, including over the counter or prescription medications, an "Administration of Medication" form must be obtained, completed and returned to the clinic. 

Please feel free to contact your school nurse at any time with questions or health concerns.

Phone Numbers and Emergency Contacts:

In order to facilitate reaching parents of sick children, please remember to update emergency information in Infinite Campus with any change in home, work, and cell phone numbers. Please also supply names and phone numbers of friends and or relatives who can be called if parents are not available.

Parents who are going out of town should send a note to school with information regarding who will be responsible for their children in the parent's absence.