Student Code of Conduct
Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the expectations set in the Student Code of Conduct, found here. The principal is the designated leader of the school and, in collaboration with the staff, is responsible for the orderly operation of the school. In the event of a disciplinary violation not covered specifically in the Student Code of Conduct, the principal may enact consequences he/she feels are in the best interest of school safety and climate. The authority of the principal/staff extends to all students who are on school property, on their way to or from school or a school function, and at any school function or activity. Students may be referred to a disciplinary hearing officer for a disciplinary hearing.
Other Board policies to note are Board Policy JCDAG regarding bullying, found here, Board Exhibit IDE(3)-E(3) regarding competing in interscholastic activities here and the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) Constitution and By-Laws here.