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Substitute Information

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Thank you for your interest in serving as a substitute teacher for Oconee County Schools. All applicants must be 21 years of age or older.
Under Georgia's Quality Basic Education Act, substitute teachers must hold at least a high school diploma and participate in a four-hour training, unless you hold a valid Georgia teaching certificate. To sign up for a free online training course, click here.
To ensure your application is complete, the following documents must be uploaded:
  1. Proof of highest level of education. (Copy of transcripts or diploma)
  2. Copy of teaching certificate and/or substitute teacher training certificate.

A criminal background check is also required to be eligible for employment consideration as a substitute teacher. Once your completed application has been reviewed and approved, you will be contacted via email with further instructions.
 Thank you for your interest in Oconee County Schools!
Substitute Teacher Pay Rate
  Daily Rate Long-Term
Non-Certified $87 $109*
Certified $109 $131
*Must have HR approval
Substitute Teacher Contact Information:
Anna Davis, Human Resources Manager
706-769-5130, ext. 1112