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Teaching and Learning

    Dr. Susan Stancil
    Chief Academic Officer
    71 North Main Street
    Watkinsville, GA 30677
    706.769.5130, ext. 1306

Teaching and Learning Contact Information

Welcome to the Teaching and Learning Department. Our mission is to provide leadership, service, and support for Oconee County Schools. We work collaboratively to guide the system’s curriculum, instructional design, assessment practices, technology, student support service, and strategic planning to ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses.

Oconee County Schools believes in the use of aligned acts of improvements guided by a single improvement plan for each school and the system. The district strategic plan revolves around the four strategic goal areas of the school system:
  1. Teaching and Learning
  2. Culture and Climate
  3. Community Engagement and Partnerships
  4. Operations

The OCS Strategic Plan outlines the initiatives and action steps that support the goals of our system.

This is our Comprehensive Needs Assessment that was submitted to the GADOE. Please contact Dr. Susan Stancil with any questions or feedback.

Georgia Standards contains standards and other resources from the Georgia Department of Education.