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About Special Education


Suzanne Korngold
Suzanne Korngold
Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
71 North Main Street
Watkinsville, GA 30677
706.769.5130, ext. 1202


What is the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (GSNS) Program? What are the LEA’s responsibilities for children receiving the GSNS?
The GSNS Program is a parental choice program for special needs children attending Georgia public schools who are served under an IEP. More Information about the GSNS Program can be found here.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Oconee County Department of Special Education and Psychological Services to provide quality special education and psychological programs and services to students, parents, and schools in Oconee County. The Department is committed to providing the assistance needed to ensure that students with disabilities are receiving the most appropriate services possible.

The Oconee County Department of Special Education provides services to students ages 3-21 who are eligible for special education and related services. All students with disabilities have the right to receive a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, with their non-disabled peers, as appropriate. The type and degree of services provided are determined through the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

District and Support Staff

Oconee County Primary School
Erika Treiber
Department Chair
Oconee County Elementary School
Erin Carroll
Department Chair
Susan Hogan
Speech-Language Pathologist
Colham Ferry Elementary School
Jennifer Simpson
Department Chair  
Jennifer Hartwell
Speech-Language Pathologist
Anna Ray
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dove Creek Elementary School
Mary Joyner
Department Chair
Diana Hendry
Speech-Language Pathologist
Malcom Bridge Elementary School
Jamie Caraway
Department Chair/Speech-Language Pathologist
Rocky Branch Elementary School
Keri Ericson
Department Chair 
High Shoals Elementary School
Jessica Brown
Department Chair
Haley Harvell
Speech-Language Pathologist
Dove Creek Middle School
Shannon Dupree
Department Chair
Amy Hunter
Speech-Language Pathologist
Oconee County Middle School
Caralena Luthi
Department Chair
Susan Hogan
Speech-Language Pathologist
Malcom Bridge Middle School
Shannon Dupree
Department Chair
Jamie Caraway
Speech-Language Pathologist
Oconee County High School
Richard Wehunt
Department Chair  
Susan Hogan
Speech-Language Pathologist
North Oconee High School
Shirley Eddy
Department Chair
District Office
Abbey Kles
Instructional Specialist
Michael Williams
Instructional Specialist
Katie Mangum
Instructional Specialist
Crystal LeDuff
Psychologist for DCES, DCMS, MBES, RBES, NOHS
Suzanne Crumpton
Psychologist for OCPS, OCES, OCHS
Joyner Freeman
Psychologist for CFES, HSES, MBMS, OCMS
Jennifer Reno
Student Services Secretary
706.769.5130, ext 1214